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沪教版牛津英语3B期末专项-阅读练习 1、 阅读短文,判断正误牛津英语三年级下册阅读练习(试题)牛津上海版(试用本)英语三年级下册,用T或F表示 Passage 1 Danny are very big and his arms are very strong。 His jacket is old。 So he goes to the clothes shop。 He likes the red jacket。 It’s fifty yuan。 It’s dear 。 He buys the blue one。 It’s only twenty yuan。 Now he is hungry。 He eats some bread, some sweets and some milk。 He is full now。 He can’t run fast and jump high。 He has a skateboard。 But he can’t ride it。 He wants to loose his weight。 ( ) 1。 Danny isn’t a thin and tall boy。 ( )2。 Danny has two strong arms。


( )3。 Danny buys the red jacket。 ( )4。 The blue jacket is fifty yuan。 ( )5。 Danny wants to eat more and more food。 He is too hungry。 Passage 2 Today is the first of June。 It’s Children’s Day。 It’s a fine day。 My father,my mother牛津英语三年级下册, my brother,my dog and I are going to the park。 We have a picnic on the grass。 Look牛津英语三年级下册, my father can fly a kite, it’s very high in the sky。 My mother is tired。 She is taking a rest under the tree。 My brother and I can ride a bicycle together。 We are happy。 Where’


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