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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans(第一课时)

一、教学内容: Story time

二、 教学目标:

1. 学生能正确理解、朗读并表演Story time.

2. 学生能初步了解询问计划的句型Where/When/How long /What will you ?

Will you ?以及词汇go back to, stay, Taipei, Disneyland和Ocean Park.


3. 学生能谈谈自己的暑假出游计划。

4. 通过课文的学习中小学牛津英语网,引导学生开阔眼界中小学牛津英语网中小学牛津英语网[牛津中小学英语网]教案,热爱家园。


一般将来时句型Where/When/How long /What will you ? Will you ?的运用。


Step 1 Pre-reading

1 Greetings(weather, hobby)


2 I like traveling,last summer holiday I went to Xiamen. Xiamen is a very beautiful city, I had a lot of seafood there. I went to Gulangyu Island. Can you tell me where did you go last summer holiday?

3 This summer holiday I’ll go to Xinjiang, I’ll stay there for two weeks, and I’ll visit Mount Tianshan. Where will you go this summer holiday? Who will you go with? How will you go there? How long will you stay there? And what will you do there? (T-S, S-S)

4 Here’re some nice pictures of the places, do you know where they are? The students enjoy the pictures and learn : Disneyland, Ocean Park, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Taipei 101.

Step 2 While-reading

1 Just now we enjoyed five cities, here are four children, where will they go this summer holiday? Let’s watch the video and match.

Use the sentence: xxx is going to ...

2 Read the dialogue on the left side, and answer the questions.

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