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Some teachers say students should be organized into groups to study, while others argue that students should be made to study alone. Tell the benefits of each study method. Which one do you think is more effective?

Group study has been shown to be an effective method for students to become successful learners,but while most students have been accustomed to this traditional way of learning猿辅导英语作文批改, others prefer to study alone at their own pace. The two approaches each have distinct advantages, and the choice is more a matter of personal preference

Group study is strongly advocated by some because it requires the sharing of ideas amongst group members. During group study,students listen to what their fellow students say and debate with them if there is a disagreement. Naturally【雅思写作范文/批改】(74)8.0分雅思作文:学习模式, their communication skills and critical thinking abilities are greatly enhanced. Moreover, peer pressure can be a positive force which can motivate and challenge the students to do their best. The competitive learning environment also prepares the students for the future reality.

However, studying alone also offers some unique benefits to the students. First of all, the individual learner is kept away from the distracting conversation or unnecessary interruptions in a classroom with many students. Then they can concentrate well and make more efficient use of their time. Also, the individual learner can pace his or her own learning and decide for himself/herself when to start or when to stop. This is especially helpful to those intellectually gifted students who may be bored with regular but simple classroom teaching.


In conclusion,there are strong arguments for each study method猿辅导英语作文批改,but as far as I am concerned猿辅导英语作文批改, group study is more effective because I feel that if the learner shares could be further improved what he knows with someone else then his own understanding of the subject matter.


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